💎 Welcome to the iExec Developers Rewards Program

The iExec Developer Rewards program allocates $1 Million to fund innovation on the iExec protocol.

If you’re a developer and are looking to receive funding for a project built on top of iExec, this page collates everything you need to know.

You will find everything from proposal submission forms, open bounties projects ready to be claimed, examples of previously funded projects, milestone updates, and other general information on the program.

Apply for a Grant 💰

Claim a Bounty 💰

Submit your proposal

List of Grant Proposals

Application FAQ

💎 Discover our open Bounties

✅ Dapps Deployed on iExec

Useful links for builders

[Brand Assets](https://iexec-grants.notion.site/Brand-Assets-84a0fc265c1142a69d46f9780fd86c06)

Funding Report

Previously Funded Projects

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